Fees and Payments
Fees for clinical services are set in accordance with the rates established by the Ontario Psychological Association. Psychological services are not covered by OHIP; however, a majority of extended health benefits available through workplaces cover the entire fee or a portion of it.
Therapy and Parenting Sessions (60 min): ..…… $150 - $220
Comprehensive Assessments: …..………………………..….. $3,600
ADHD Assessments: ………………………..………………………… $2,700
Gifted/Cognitive Assessments: ……………………………………. $1,100
Consultation Sessions (60 min)………………………..………………$220
It is recommended that you contact your insurance provider to receive more information regarding your coverage. If your provider only covers a partial amount, the remainder may be claimed as a medical expense on your tax return.
Fees can be paid by Visa, Mastercard, cash or e-transfer. Payments are processed after each session.