Gifted Assessment

The gifted assessment will include:

  • A 30-minute initial parent interview

  • Three hours of in-person, individual sessions with your child or adolescent

  • A brief conversation with the child before the cognitive testing

  • Evaluation of some academics including reading comprehension, math reasoning and written expression

  • A brief social-emotional screening and interview with the child or teen

  • A comprehensive report that includes the results and findings

  • A review of the most recent report card

  • A 30-minute feedback session with you and your child/teen


  • To meet the criteria for identification as Gifted in the province of Ontario, a student must obtain a Full-Scale IQ score or a General Abilities Index score at the 98th percentile.

  • Students who are identified as Gifted in the province of Ontario have the right to an Individual Education Plan (IEP), which outlines their need for enriched learning.

  • For children of divorced parents, written and verbal consent must be obtained from both parents in joint custody cases.




Post Secondary (College / University Assessment)